Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Start the Countdown Clock...

As I have shared in the previous entry, my days in PETRONAS are numbered, so as what I could have sensed. Yesterday received email notification from HR that my Structured Interview session has been postponed to a later date due to unavailability of Assessor. It sorts of providing me glimmer of hopes, aside from the postponement news, that I would probably continue my work with PETRONAS. This morning in my FLM Whatsapp chat,received sad news about one of my ex-collegue from Nestle, his job is made redundant due to his company( Tyco Int) being bought over by other company (Johnson Control). In fulfilling my previous commitment, whatever the future holds for me with PETRONAS, I will start to update in this blog my daily activity. Starting from today.

This morning started early going to office. Ever since my new big boss join Sarawak Operation, we have started to have a tazkirah session. I remember when it was started, idea came from Leo, OH Exec. I was given the task to lead doa recital. Not taking seriously his request, I was hesitant to do it, giving execuse that there is no such doa to start an exercise. Not that I do not know to recite doa, i just x want to join the early morning exercise session.
Screenshot of Whatsapp how it all started
That day, I supposed to recite the doa but somehow I came in late with my expectation that the Tazkirah session will end just at the right time as I entered the office. Roslee took over the doa, and I was obliged to do the taskirah as to switch with the task earlier assigned to Roslee. At first Roslee has prepared some material for tazkirah, funny enough he has prepared material which i vaguely remembered touched on solat, which most of the non-muslim friends would struggle to understand. I had to pass his material and was asked to share on PTW. Well, that was a topic I am most familiar with, but I decided to share my unfortunate experience at Miri Airport with everybody on the importance of Risk Assessment. As I gave the talk. I remembered clearly how the incidence revolves. , I slowly collecting what I remembered on the day of the incident, once I started to talk. When you consciously drive through entrance parking boom, I think nobody will ever forget about it. So I shared story on how I ram into the parking boom' and did some simple analysis of what went wrong that day. Point of my talk was not to rush whenever you do your work.

Tazkirah by the "Syeikh", a time of reflection. Notice how Hj Tarmizi react, as if he committed the same crime as I dis for hitting the entrance parking boom.
The session continued with Leo leading the crowd with his self-descriptive exercise, with him having to explain the benefit of each of the movement in his exercise his shared. Instead of having the people warming up the bodies, loosening tense muscles,  we were laughing our hearts loud to all the explaination and the words coming from him. Leo was known for mispronouncing people names.
It was apparently clear after the session ended, Hj Tarmizi decided that it will be a weekly routine activity. He insisted it to be done as to ensure that all the staff at least once a week to come early and spend a solid 8 hours in the office, as what being specified in the work contract.
As hard as you thought that it will be a one-off event, Hj Tarmizi has agreed that it will become a weekly agenda. And SO IT DOES. 

Today, it was BSE4 Section turn to host the session. The tazkirah was done by Jalang sharing his take on the roles of newly promoted manager. I don't see the topic was any relevant to most of the staff, but for the benefit of the doubt, we just listened to what he was sharing. Hj Tarmizi somehow gave his take on his topic as he was not fully agree on the roles of the Section Head as shared by Jalang. His idea was that as the managers, he should be doing as what the Exec is currently doing. His thoughts resonate very well with us, seeing that the company has to be lean, as it needs to evolve with the new business environment today.
The exercise part was later on lead by the new Department Trainee, Jason. Taking the cue from the viral Apple Pen Pineapple Pen song, Jason modify the exercise to suit with the Mantra of our department. Imagine this, Pocho-pocho dancing step in APPP song and the lyric fill with the company initiatives. It goes like this
"I obey Rules, I have Zeto, aah...Zeto Rules". Another Line of the lyrics touched on the Safe Worker
To conclude the tazkirah session that day, Hj Tarmizi gave out present/s to our newly wed Environment Section Head, Miza. Never thought she will get presents that big, since I think I don't give any contribution to the tabung to buy the present. Probably Liza might have missed me as I was out of the office. Anyway, congrats Miza.

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